How to register a business name in Nebraska A business name registered with the state is also known as a DBA (Doing Business As), trade name, or fictitious name Approximate Cost: $233.82 Approximate Time: Five business days Overview of Steps Decide on a name Fill in the online form Print and sign the form - $0.10 Scan and submit the signed form - $103 Wait for confirmation email - 1 business day Contact newspaper to get notice published - $130.72 Wait for publication and affidavit from newspaper - 3 business days Submit affidavit online and wait for confirmation email - 1 business day Important Notes This is based on my experience in Nebraska. While most of this advice may apply in other places, you should check on the process in your particular state I am not a lawyer. This article is not a substitute for professional legal advice This is based on how it went for me on August 14, 2017. Your "mileage" may vary When you might want to register a bu...